Sunday, August 28, 2011

Restaurant Interior Design

The interior design of a restaurant can influence the way customers feel about the restaurant and therefore it is an important factor to consider. The choice of different restaurants available is large and many people enjoy dining out. First impressions really do count with any business, and where people are going to spend time such as a restaurant, it needs to be perfect.

Apart from the food and staff, there are several factors in regards to its interior design that will influence the decision on whether you like a restaurant or not. You should ensure that you employ a designer who are familiar with designing restaurants when determining on the overall theme for the restaurant. Although interior designers are qualified to work in a wide variety of structures, you need to ensure that you employ a qualified restaurant interior designer.

This type of designer will specialize in restaurants, and know how to create the perfect ambience for your customers. They will understand the importance of creating the correct feeling for the type of food and drink that you are serving. Restaurant interior design is rather complex as it involves many different elements, and not simply what color to paint the walls.

Hiring the correct interior designer for your restaurant will ensure that they have considered every aspect of the business. They will need to understand how a restaurant works, and how the movement flows throughout them. All restaurants flow in a particular way and how the food reaches the table will need to be considered.

Both the employees and customers need to be considered when looking at the ideal restaurant interior design. It is surprising how many great ideas the employees will have, and they will also know what works well when trying to do their jobs. When it comes to restaurant interior design, not only is the decor very important but also the durability of the furnishings.

Restaurant furniture needs to be considered carefully, and should be bought with industrial use in mind. Although there is some great domestic furniture available it will not last, and will end up costing you more in the long run.

When it comes to acquiring the best restaurant interior design, you can easily go over your budget. You do not want to go over budget as other areas of the restaurant may suffer. Employees will enjoy working in the restaurant and be more efficient if the correct restaurant interior design is implemented. As a consequence, food is brought to service much faster and you can expect a resultant higher profit margin.

To decide who you want to attract into the restaurant, you will need to understand your target market. Despite the fact that you will never turn anyone away if the restaurant interior design is aimed at particular people you will attract them. Younger clientele may want chic, stylish, and trendy where as older clientele may prefer classic, calming, sophisticated interior designs.

Asking your customers what they would like is valuable especially if you are planning to revamp an existing restaurant. Although they are likely to have many suggestions, there may be similarities with what some of them say. You just never know, their suggestions could potentially turn your restaurant into a big success.

You will need to think about the ambience that you want to create and the type of food that you are serving. If your restaurant has a particular type of food the restaurant interior design will need to fit with this. Even though you might not want to turn it into themed restaurant elements can represent the sort of food that you are servicing.

You want your regular customers to return time, and time again, however, you also want to attract new ones. First impression is crucial as people often will stop and look at new restaurants. As prospect will make their choice whether to enter based on their first impression, restaurant interior design needs to be considered carefully.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Architectural Designer

An architectural designer is a term used to describe an architect who mainly works in the design of buildings rather than other structures out there. Another term which they are often referred as is a building designer and this is especially true if they do not have a degree in their field. Because their job involves working in buildings, they often find work in urban areas and there are ample opportunity to specialize in a variety of different types of buildings. If becoming a building designer one must make sure to build up a reputation and a portfolio. It's a difficult business to start in but can be exciting and very lucrative as long as you have the portfolio to back up your skills. Often you can start by planning out buildings as volunteer work. It's really just important to get your name out there.

Apart from building your portfolio, getting an architectural degree will give you an edge over those without a degree qualification. Although it is not compulsory, a degree can provide you with networking skills and connections, as well as making your resume look more appealing to the employer. Obtaining a degree will certainly help you build a portfolio that you can use to get a job as a building designer. School can have a significant influence when it comes to getting the job you want. By completing the schooling, often you will be offered a job right out of school as you will have a variety of projects under your belt you can refer to.

One of the more lucrative careers to be involved in is building designer. Due to all the businesses that went down, it give rise to booming need for new buildings for businesses to be designed and built. There aren't many people in this field, so you can easily find jobs and be contracted by these companies as they regain their footing and begin to develop once again and open up new offices, and facilities. This can be perfect opportunity for you and with the right portfolio, you can be a shoe in for any in urban building design.

A career as a building designer can be very exciting as there are many different specifications ranging from different types and sizes of buildings, as well as the locations and the use of the buildings. It is important to find and work in one of these that offer the most jobs as well as the satisfaction that you can achieve from doing your dream job.

There are many colleges now offering degrees in architecture and design, many of these colleges allow students in with lenient prerequisites, making it easier than ever for you to go back to school and get the degree that can boost your career to the next level. With the advancement in technology, school is much convenient and plausible even years after entering the job market. You can even go to school online making it more convenient for those of you who might work full time or have family obligations that come first.

As a building designer, you are most likely to be contracted by individual companies, the city, the government, the state or private investors. Regardless of the industry, a building designer is always in demand as building is almost always going to be erected at some time. With the proper certifications and portfolio, you can expect to be made significantly more than the average job.

There really is no reason not to become a building designer. With a solid portfolio and certifications, soon enough you will have your dream job and a great wage to match it. Becoming an architectural designer does take work but the rewarding career is completely worth it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Office Interior Design Ideas

If you are in the process of setting up a new office, then it is very likely that you are wondering about the best way to design the interior of your office and going through numerous office interior design ideas. The interior design of an office needs to be planned with care, as a comfortable work environment encourages people to work hard and with confidence. This is especially true if the concerned work is creative in nature because creativity stems best within a peaceful and relaxed environment where the people are feeling comfortable. Unfortunately, office interior design ideas tend to be difficult to find. Below is a list of some ideas which you may want to implement for your office.

Traditional wood finish is one of the most common and time honored office interior design idea. A common and reliable material which people have relied upon to decorate their office is teak. Furniture and boards made of traditional teak provides the office with a euphoric mood and at the same time, making it very professional and clean. Furthermore, the use of teak wood or any other type of wood also adds a touch of class to the office which is something that is much appreciated by clients coming in for a meeting.

Although the traditional wood finish has been the staple theme for a long time, contemporary ideas and modern concepts are picking up attention in today's office interior design. As a consequence, the concept of subtle or hidden forms of lightings, variety of inclines, streamlined color schemes and different types of shapes are the main focus. The beauty of these concepts is that the working principle is still not entirely formed and hence, the modern designs can adapt to just about everything that complements and supplements the look.

There is another concept amongst many professionals that the office should not be elaborate in nature and should be instead sparse or seem simple. Increased work productivity amongst the employees is believed to be associated with simple or sparse concept which is based on the principle of dispassionateness. Spare design ideas can be incorporated into existing concepts. For example, you can have a modern or contemporary look and still make it look sparse. The general feel of sparse office interior design ideas tend to have a dull vibe to them, so the use of vibrant colors will add some charm to the office.

While sparse designs stand on one side of a spectrum, the other end is occupied by elaborate and detailed designs. The idea of elaborate designs are suppose to generate reactions in people, so the concept is based heavily on complex detailing and the use of lots of colors. You may notice engravings in an office whose designing followed the principle of elaborate designs and this is not a rare feature. Sculptures, waterfalls and paintings are generally a common feature in many offices that have this ideology. If you are looking for an elegant and modern office look, elaborate interior designs may just be the perfect one to meet your need. The fashion, banking and advertising industry tend to have offices with extremely elaborate designs.

Apart from the esthetic aspect of the office with these interior design ideas, it should also incorporate comfort and functionality into them as well. Every office would require a different set up and even some special considerations. A prime example of this would be an office introducing a central office space where employees can mingle because it depends highly on team work. By providing such space, it allows the employees to mingle and promote team work between each other.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Interior Design VS Interior Decorating

To begin this journey, first an attempt must be made to answer the question, ‘What is Interior Design’; The National Council for Interior Design Qualification offers up the following definition: ‘Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants and are aesthetically attractive’. Comparing this to the definitions provided by The Free Dictionary for an interior decorator: ‘also called interior designer a person whose profession is the planning of the decoration and furnishings of the interior of houses, shops, etc.’ and ‘a person whose profession is the painting and wallpapering of houses’

Well it is understandable, based on the two definitions above, why there are two camps. One camp treat interior designer and interior decorator as one and the same, and then there are those that hold the interior designer is held to a higher standard with more training and responsibilities. No wonder there is misunderstanding amongst the ranks.

To investigate this question whether there is a difference or not?, a search for the term 'Interior Decorator Degree' was performed on Google and the returned results for 'Interior Designer' and not the keyword as searched. From above, one can reasonably conclude that there is a difference as one can get a degree in interior design, but not as a decorator.

To draw the line between an interior designer and an interior decorator, we need to go back to the two definitions above to contrast the key difference. The key discerning activity of an interior designer is 'built interior environment' and for an interior decorator is 'decorating and furnishing' from the definitions. The higher standard is the interior designer's ability and responsibilities to call for tearing out walls, flooring, windows, lighting, electrical, as well as recommending furniture and miscellaneous design pieces. Hence, the responsibility of an interior designer includes and goes beyond that of an interior designer.

One of the most crucial skill of an interior designer is to siphon the wants and needs of a company or individual and make a space comfortable, functional and esthetically pleasing.

As you can understand, their job can be very challenging as they will need to be able to devise a design not only for small dwelling spaces but also for large corporate businesses such as national restaurant chain. Hiring of contractors to do specific task such as pulling down walls, knowledge of building codes, reading blueprints are some of the task designers need a firm grasp on and further separate interior design from mere decoration.

What is interior design in contemporary society should involve ways to minimize harm to the environment by incorporating renewable energy sources and thinking green. Without compromising the individual's comfort due to the blazing rays of the sun, how does one maximize the use of natural lighting? How does one incorporate solar panels into the design or solar powered floor heaters in colder climates without losing the esthetic charm and ambiance of marble floors? These are some of the obstacles that our interior designers today need to overcome.